Improve science learning outcomes for elementary school students through the development of flipbook media

F Hardiansyah - Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, 2022 -
This development research aims to:(1) develop Flipbook learning media in science learning
material for animal life cycles (metamorphosis),(2) the level of validity of Flipbook learning …

The effect of using flipbook-based e-modules on student learning outcomes

I Sriyanti, MR Almafie, L Marlina… - Kasuari: Physics …, 2020 -
The creative innovation in education in the era of revolution 4.0 is the use of electronic-
based teaching materials as a source of student learning. This study aims to examine the …

Development e-book learning media based on kvisoft flipbook maker

A Fadillah, D Nopitasari, W Bilda - Kreano, Jurnal Matematika …, 2021 -
The main purpose of this research is to produce a kvisoft flipbook maker-based ebook
learning media product on root material, rank, and logarithms. The research carried out is …

Analysis of Needs for the Development of Local Wisdom-Based Junior High School Science E-Modules Related to Ethnoscience in South Sumatera

Y Yuliana, A Fathurohman… - Jurnal Penelitian …, 2023 -
This article aims to present the results of an analysis of the needs of local wisdom-based e-
module teaching materials related to ethnoscience in South Sumatera. The data in this …


A Mayasri, M Reza, M Rafdi - JMM (Jurnal Masyarakat Mandiri), 2024 -
Musyawarah Guru Mata Pelajaran (MGMP) Kimia, Fisika, dan Biologi di Madrasah Aliyah
Kota Banda Aceh, melalui ketua MGMP menyampaikan bahwa hampir seluruh guru dalam …

Pre-service biology teacher's perception on local environment problems as contextual learning resources

M Rijal - IJERE, 2021 -
A survey and exploratory study were conducted to analyze Lake Tempe as a resource for
contextual learning (CTL). The first phase of the study included exploring the lake's potential …

Validasi e-modul IPA berbasis socio-scientific issue (SSI) untuk meningkatkan motivasi belajar dan literasi sains peserta didik

BF Rahmayanti, Y Andayani - Journal of Classroom Action …, 2023 -
Tantangan revolusi industri 4.0 harus memiliki keterampilan abad 21 yaitu empat
keterampilan yang dikenal dengan 4C. Pengembangan keterampilan berpikir kreatif dan …

Identifikasi kemandirian belajar peserta didik menggunakan e-modul berbantuan liveworksheet terintegrasi potensi lokal toraja

NS Palumpun, I Wilujeng… - Jurnal Penelitian …, 2022 -
Self-regulated learning is a very important aspect of 21st-century learning. However, from
the results of previous research and observations that have been made, it is known that the …

[引用][C] Flipbook as innovation of digital learning media: Preparing education for facing and facilitating 21st Century learning

R Roemintoyo, MK Budiarto - Journal of Education Technology, 2021

[引用][C] Benefits of using experiential learning based electronic modules to facilitate students concierge learning in vocational high schools

A Winandari, LA Sutimin, T Rejekiningsih - Journal of Education Technology, 2022