Grid computing is nowadays an established technology in fields such as High Energy Physics and Biomedicine, offering an alternative to traditional HPC for several problems; …
Cloud computing has revolutionized how availability and access to computing and storage resources is realized; it has made it possible to provision a large computational …
Az emberiség a megjelenése óta mindig is kolóniákban, közösségekben szeretett élni. A történelem egyes szakaszait vizsgálva, a legfejlettebb államokban alakultak ki városok, mint …
In this paper, we present a possible approach to use different Grid infrastructures across Europe and India for regional climate simulations and discuss in details the advantages and …
Marine traffic and rapidly growing tourism in the Adriatic Sea region are the main reasons for investigating different weather phenomena and developing the prediction models that …
C Blanco, AS Cofino, V Fernández - Session I: Infrastructure and …, 2012 -
Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model community has nowadays a lack of tools and frameworks in order to manage complex climate experiments. In this work we propose a …
Dry and wet deposition of nitrogen (N) and sulfur (S) has detrimental impacts on the health of both human and ecosystems. Intensive human activities are responsible for elevating …
I Campos, J Marco, J Gomes, G Barreira - 2011 -
During many years the grid computing efforts in Europe were focused at developing the technologies and demonstrating them in the field through pilot infrastructures. In time these …