[图书][B] Police interrogation and American justice

RA Leo - 2008 - degruyter.com
Interrogation and confession-taking is of interest to a wide audience. To political scientists
and sociologists, police interrogation offers a paradigm case of the constitutional exercise …

Multiple Dimensions of Tunnel Vision in Criminal Cases, The

KA Findley, MS Scott - Wis. L. Rev., 2006 - HeinOnline
The discovery of hundreds of wrongful convictions in the last fifteen years has shaken up the
criminal justice world. Since the advent of postconviction DNA testing around 1990, more …

Judging innocence

BL Garrett - Colum. L. Rev., 2008 - HeinOnline
Postconviction DNA testing changed the landscape of criminal justice in the United States.
Actors in the criminal system long doubted whether courts ever wrongly convicted people; …

The substance of false confessions

BL Garrett - Stan. L. Rev., 2009 - HeinOnline
False confessions present a puzzle: How could innocent people convincingly confess to
crimes they knew nothing about? For decades, commentators doubted that a crime suspect …

One hundred years later: Wrongful convictions after a century of research

JB Gould, RA Leo - The Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, 2010 - JSTOR
In this Article, the authors analyze a century of research on the causes and consequences of
wrongful convictions in the American criminal justice system while explaining the many …

The new forensics: Criminal justice, false certainty, and the second generation of scientific evidence

E Murphy - Calif. L. Rev., 2007 - HeinOnline
This Article challenges the new orthodoxy offorensic science. In so doing, it reframes the
debate about the role offorensic evidence in the criminal justice system in three respects …

Narrative, truth, and trial

LK Griffin - Geo. LJ, 2012 - HeinOnline
In 2008, Mark Jensen stood trial for the murder of his wife Julie in a Kenosha County Circuit
Court in Wisconsin.'At one point in the trial, the presiding judge commented:" People who …

The unexonerated: Factually innocent defendants who plead guilty

JH Blume, RK Helm - Cornell L. Rev., 2014 - HeinOnline
" It's a total injustice.... These three men are being made to plead guilty to something they
didn't do...." John Mark Byers, father of one of the alleged West Memphis Three victims' On …

The state (never) rests: How excessive prosecutorial caseloads harm criminal defendants

AM Gershowitz, LR Killinger - Nw. UL Rev., 2011 - HeinOnline
In recent decades, legal scholars have devoted enormous attention to two problems in the
American criminal justice system: the appalling underfunding of indigent defense'and …

Pretrial detention and the value of liberty

MT Stevenson, SG Mayson - Virginia Law Review, 2022 - JSTOR
How dangerous must a person be to justify the state in locking her up for the greater good?
The bail reform movement, which aspires to limit pretrial detention to the truly dangerous …