Cell traction force plays a critical role in directing cellular functions, such as proliferation, migration, and differentiation. Current understanding of cell traction force is largely derived …
The success of anticancer therapies is often limited by heterogeneity within and between tumors. While much attention has been devoted to understanding the intrinsic molecular …
Despite decades of research and advancements in diagnostic and treatment modalities, cancer remains a major global healthcare challenge. This is due in part to a lack of model …
Metastasis is the leading cause of cancer-related deaths. During this process, cancer cells are likely to navigate discrete tissue-tissue interfaces, enabling them to infiltrate and spread …
Quantitative characterisation of micro-scale mechanical properties of the extracellular matrix (ECM) and dynamic cell-ECM interactions can significantly enhance fundamental …
Viscoelastic transformation of tissue drives aberrant cellular functions and is an early biomarker of disease pathogenesis. Tissues scale a range of viscoelastic moduli, from …
Human cells encounter dynamic mechanical cues in healthy and diseased tissues, which regulate their molecular and biophysical phenotype, including intracellular mechanics as …
Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a non-contact method for imaging the topological and internal microstructure of samples in three dimensions. OCT can be configured as a …
Optical elastography offers a rich body of imaging capabilities that can serve as a bridge between organ-level medical elastography and single-molecule biophysics. We review the …