Dynamic module replacement in distributed protocols

N Sridhar, SM Pike, BW Weide - 23rd International Conference …, 2003 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Dynamic module replacement-the ability to hot swap a component's implementation at
runtime-is fundamental to supporting evolutionary change in long-lived and highly-available …

[PDF][PDF] Interface-oriented programming

LR Varney - University of California, Los Angeles Computer …, 2004 - cs.ucla.edu
The predominant design of object-oriented programming languages today provides
insufficient support for interface abstraction and implementation inheritance, a limitation that …

[PDF][PDF] Generating configurable containers for component-based software

N Sridhar, JO Hallstrom - 6th ICSE Workshop on Component-Based Soft …, 2003 - Citeseer
Existing container-based development strategies provide solutions to the problem of
encapsulating cross-cutting concerns in component-based software systems. These …

Enhancements–Enabling Flexible Feature and Implementation Selection

JM Hunt, M Sitaraman - Software Reuse: Methods, Techniques, and Tools …, 2004 - Springer
To provide performance trade-offs to users, reusable component libraries typically include
multiple implementation variants for each interface. This paper introduces a scalable notion …

[图书][B] Dynamically reconfigurable parameterized components

N Sridhar - 2004 - search.proquest.com
With the size and complexity of software systems growing at a very fast pace, one of the
concerns that we have to address is that of tractable reasoning. We need to make sure that …

Dynamic instantiation-checking components

N Sridhar - Proceedings of the 2006 ACM symposium on Applied …, 2006 - dl.acm.org
Parameterization is an effective technique for building flexible, reusable software. When
dealing with parameterized components, an important concern is the time at which …

[PDF][PDF] Reasoning about parameterized components with dynamic binding

N Sridhar, BW Weide - SAVCBS 2003 Specification and Verification of …, 2003 - eecs.ucf.edu
Parameterized components provide an effective way of building scalable, reliable, flexible
software. Techniques have been developed for reasoning about parameterized components …

[PDF][PDF] Reaping More from Lazy Initialization Using Dynamic Reconfiguration

N Sridhar - Columbus, OH June 17-19, 2002, 2002 - academia.edu
Lazy initialization is a technique that can be used to improve the performance of software
components. The startup cost of any component is greatly reduced, and the cost of …

[PDF][PDF] Designing Dynamically Reconfigurable Distributed Systems

S Halim, S Kumar, N Sridhar - cs.memphis.edu
Dynamic reconfiguration refers to changing, updating, or otherwise modifying a system
during execution. Dynamic reconfiguration requires changes in a module to be localized …

[图书][B] Interface-oriented programming and representation inference

LR Varney - 2005 - search.proquest.com
Despite significant progress in programming technology, large-scale software development
remains expensive and error prone. We identify four problems with object-oriented …