Evaluating the effects of local content measures in a CGE model: Eliminating the US Buy America (n) programs

PB Dixon, MT Rimmer, RG Waschik - Economic Modelling, 2018 - Elsevier
Like many countries, the US implements local content policies. Through these policies, the
US government attempts to stimulate employment, especially in the manufacturing sector, by …

[图书][B] Macro, industry and regional effects of eliminating Buy America (n) programs: USAGE simulations

P Dixon, MT Rimmer, R Waschik - 2017 - vuir.vu.edu.au
The US government attempts to stimulate employment, especially in the manufacturing
sector, by favoring US contractors for public sector projects (Buy American regulations) and …

[PDF][PDF] G-20 Protection in the Wake of the Great Recession

G Hufbauer, J Kirkegaard, WF Wong - Washington: Peterson Institute for …, 2010 - Citeseer
The G-20, with its roster of advanced and emerging economies, is uniquely situated to
address burning questions as the world emerges from the Great Recession. The continued …

Le protectionnisme, une passion américaine?

R Bourgeot - Revue internationale et strategique, 2017 - cairn.info
La réémergence de la rhétorique protectionniste au cours de l'élection présidentielle états-
unienne de 2016 a souvent été interprétée comme le signe d'une rupture historique avec la …

Renewable Energy Programmes in the European Union, Japan and the United States-Compatibility with WTO Law

MS Srikar - Centre for WTO Studies (CWS) Working Paper, 2012 - papers.ssrn.com
RE support programmes are implemented in various forms and with varying strategies
across the world. RE, be it wind, solar or other forms of energy, owes a substantial part of its …

[引用][C] The role and impact of the New Global Protectionism in recent US-China trade relations with illustrations from China's toy and tire industries

Z Jie - 2011 - Auckland University of Technology