A Caplin - Annual Review of Economics, 2016 - annualreviews.org
This article presents a selective review of economic research on attentional choice, taking an observation of as its starting point. Because standard choice data conflate utilities and …
Building on a textbook description of associative memory, we present a model of choice in which a choice option cues recall of similar past experiences. Memory shapes valuation and …
We study extrinsic and intrinsic motivations for tax compliance in the context of a local church tax in Germany. This tax system has historically relied on zero deterrence so that any …
We present a theory of context-dependent choice in which a consumer's attention is drawn to salient attributes of goods, such as quality or price. An attribute is salient for a good when …
S Ichihashi - American Economic Review, 2020 - aeaweb.org
I study the welfare and price implications of consumer privacy. A consumer discloses information to a multiproduct seller, which learns about his preferences, sets prices, and …
We unite two basic approaches to modelling limited attention in choice by showing that the rational inattention model implies the formation of consideration sets—only a subset of the …
B Kőszegi, A Szeidl - The Quarterly journal of economics, 2013 - academic.oup.com
We present a generally applicable theory of focusing based on the hypothesis that a person focuses more on, and hence overweights, attributes in which her options differ more. Our …
We model a boundedly rational agent who suffers from limited attention. The agent considers each feasible alternative with a given (unobservable) probability, the attention …
The standard revealed preference argument relies on an implicit assumption that a decision maker considers all feasible alternatives. The marketing and psychology literatures …