Long bones are composite materials possessing nonhomogeneous and anisotropic properties. They repair themselves (self-repairing) and adapt to changing mechanical …
Feedforward backpropagation artificial neural networks (ANNs) have been increasingly employed in many engineering practices concerning materials modeling. Despite their …
Mobility solutions offered by living creatures have inspired engineers to capture their locomotion patterns and then develop novel animal-like robots that use legs for locomotion …
Bone is a nonlinear, inhomogeneous and anisotropic material. To predict the behavior of bones expert systems are employed to reduce the computational cost and to enhance the …
This paper reports on an investigation into the relationship between stiffness and applied force of an advanced biological composite structure using four techniques: experimental …
The hierarchical nature of bone makes it a difficult material to fully comprehend. The equine third metacarpal (MC3) bone experiences nonuniform surface strains, which are a measure …
Dramatic advancements in interdisciplinary research with the fourth paradigm of science, especially the implementation of computer science, nourish the potential for artificial …