(1) Background: Scoliosis affects about 3% of the population and the number of children diagnosed with this condition is increasing. Numerous studies have been conducted in …
Back pain is regularly associated with biomechanical changes in the spine. The traditional methods to assess spine biomechanics use ionising radiation. Vertebral Metrics (VM) is a …
Teza de doctorat propune un sistem nou de investigare a deviațiilor coloanei vertebrale. Scoliozele sunt deviații în plan frontal care preocupă atât domeniul medical cât și cel …
Amaç: Bu çalışmada hastane tabanlı ve ev tabanlı olarak uygulanacak klasik skolyoz ve solunum egzersizlerinden oluşan 12 haftalık fizyoterapi programının skolyozlu olgularda …
The study was conducted to examine the effects of aerobic and fitness exercises on scoliosis. A 19-year-old male patient, 1.65 cm tall and weighing 57 kg, with idiopathic S …