The use of oral contraceptives (OC) in the form of a hormonal pill has been widespread for decades. Despite its popularity and long-time use, there is still much ambiguity and …
Simple Summary There are many products that are targeted to pet owners. One category of these products is dog repellents—strongly aromatized solutions designed to stop dogs from …
A Heschl - Evolutionäre Sozialwissenschaften: Ein Rundgang, 2024 - Springer
Will man menschliches Sozialverhalten im Lichte der Evolutionstheorie verstehen, kommt man nicht am Konzept der inklusiven Fitness vorbei. Dieses besagt im Wesentlichen, dass …
Women's sex hormones play an important role in shaping women's mating psychology and behavior. These hormones are disrupted by the use of hormonal contraceptives (HCs) …
Women tend to choose partners who resemble their father in certain characteristics. In non- human mammals, similar parental imprinting-like effects are often odour-mediated1, 2 …
The available evidence on dogs' scent preferences is quite limited. The purpose of this study was to verify the canine response to selected odors that may also be preferred by humans …
Body odor is made up of a specific combination of different compounds. It maintains an idiosyncratic quality, becoming a constant and individual characteristic, which can be …
Tělesná vůně představuje dobré vodítko pro výběr partnera, neboť obsahuje informace například o příbuzenství, emočním stavu, nebo zdravotní kondici jedince, které je člověk …
The ability to recognize kin through the olfactory sense has important survival and evolutionary implications when choosing mates. Failing to recognize kin when making a …