
时骏祥, 王建华 - 航空动力学报, 2007 - jasp.com.cn
充分发挥材料本身的抗高温能力, 以最小的冷却介质注射量, 确保推进器不被烧蚀是发散冷却
系统的设计目标. 本文用一维可压缩, 非稳态, 局部非热平衡模型, 数值研究了瞬态冷却过程及 …

The effects of boundary condition variations on transpiration cooling

YQ Liu, YP Wang, PX Jiang - Kung Cheng Je Wu Li Hsueh Pao, 2010 - elibrary.ru
The influence of local variations of boundary condition on the heat transfer process of
transpiration cooling within the ceramic and bronze porous media was analyzed …