The quantum steering ellipsoid of a two-qubit state is the set of Bloch vectors that Bob can collapse Alice's qubit to, considering all possible measurements on his qubit. We provide an …
Any two-qubit state can be represented geometrically by a steering ellipsoid inside the Bloch sphere. We extend this approach to represent any block-positive two-qubit operator B. We …
F Shultz - Journal of Mathematical Physics, 2016 -
It was conjectured that the structural physical approximation (SPA) of an optimal entanglement witness is separable (or equivalently, that the SPA of an optimal positive map …
Disproving the conjecture on the structural physical approximation to optimal decomposable entanglement witnesses - IOPscience Skip to content IOP Science home Accessibility Help …
S Adhikari - Europhysics Letters, 2018 -
Numerous work had been done to quantify the entanglement of a two-qubit quantum state, but it can be seen that previous works were based on joint measurements on two copies or …
We present an analysis of the properties and characteristics of weakly optimal entanglement witnesses, that is witnesses whose expectation value vanishes on at least one product …
In open quantum systems, it is known that if the system and environment are in a product state, the evolution of the system is given by a linear completely positive (CP) Hermitian …
We provide a recurrent construction of entanglement witnesses for a bipartite systems living in a Hilbert space corresponding to 2 N qubits (N qubits in each subsystem). Our …
Any bipartite entanglement witness W can be written as W= c σ I− σ, where σ is a quantum state, I is the identity matrix, and c σ is a non-negative number. We present a general method …