In the last two centuries, agriculture has been an outstanding, if somewhat neglected, success story. Agriculture has fed an ever-growing population with an increasing variety of …
H De Soto, RF Junior - Revista Conjuntura Econômica, 2001 -
37 Setembro de 2001 CONJUNTURA ECON ÔMICA em sua maioria–da Rússia ao Peru, passando pelas Filipinas–, são proprietárias de bens, alugam bens, tomam empréstimos …
Designed specifically for economics students, The Economic Approach to Law, 2nd Edition, provides an introductory treatment of law and economics, revealing how economic …
D Lueck - The Journal of Law and Economics, 1995 -
Economists have shown that first possession might cause rent dissipation from racing or overexploitation. In this study, I develop models that show how dissipation can be avoided …
D Schmidtz - Social Philosophy and Policy, 1994 -
The typical method of acquiring a property right involves transfer from a previous owner. But sooner or later, that chain of transfers traces back to the beginning. That is why we have a …
Legal reforms that improve the security of private property rights to land have characteristics of a public good with dispersed benefits. However, nothing ensures that the state will …
Students of American Indian law cannot-and should not-escape from reading the three famous opinions of Chief Justice John Marshall that expounded for the first time in the halls …
En 1986, el economista peruano Hernando de Soto adquiere notoriedad por la publicación del “El Otro Sendero”, cuya idea central es la reivindicación de la informalidad como …
GD Libecap - The Journal of Economic History, 2007 -
I examine the assignment of private property rights during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries to five natural resources on federal lands in the Far West. Assigning property rights …