Application of radon (222Rn) as an environmental tracer in hydrogeological and geological investigations: an overview

S Sukanya, J Noble, S Joseph - Chemosphere, 2022 - Elsevier
Radon (222 Rn) is a colourless, odourless, inert, and radioactive noble gas (t 1/2= 3.8 days)
that emanates from rocks and soils as a result of the alpha decay of its parent, radium (226 …

Submarine groundwater discharge: updates on its measurement techniques, geophysical drivers, magnitudes, and effects

M Taniguchi, H Dulai, KM Burnett, IR Santos… - Frontiers in …, 2019 -
The number of studies concerning Submarine Groundwater Discharge (SGD) grew quickly
as we entered the twenty-first century. Many hydrological and oceanographic processes that …

The effect of submarine groundwater discharge on the ocean

WS Moore - Annual review of marine science, 2010 -
The exchange of groundwater between land and sea is a major component of the
hydrological cycle. This exchange, called submarine groundwater discharge (SGD), is …

Groundwater and pore water inputs to the coastal zone

WC Burnett, H Bokuniewicz, M Huettel, WS Moore… - Biogeochemistry, 2003 - Springer
Both terrestrial and marine forces drive underground fluid flows in the coastal zone.
Hydraulic gradients on land result in groundwater seepage near shore and may contribute …

The subterranean estuary: a reaction zone of ground water and sea water

WS Moore - Marine chemistry, 1999 - Elsevier
Mixing between meteoric water and sea water produces brackish to saline water in many
coastal aquifers. In this mixing zone, chemical reactions of the salty water with aquifer solids …

Quantifying submarine groundwater discharge in the coastal zone via multiple methods

WC Burnett, PK Aggarwal, A Aureli… - Science of the total …, 2006 - Elsevier
Submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) is now recognized as an important pathway
between land and sea. As such, this flow may contribute to the biogeochemical and other …

Nutrient inputs to the coastal ocean through submarine groundwater discharge: controls and potential impact

CP Slomp, P Van Cappellen - Journal of Hydrology, 2004 - Elsevier
Nutrient input through submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) rivals river inputs in certain
regions and may play a significant role in nutrient cycling and primary productivity in the …

Investigation of submarine groundwater discharge

M Taniguchi, WC Burnett, JE Cable… - Hydrological …, 2002 - Wiley Online Library
Coastal hydrogeologists and oceanographers now recognize the potentially significant
contribution that submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) could make to the coastal ocean …

Radon-222 as a groundwater discharge tracer to surface waters

D Adyasari, NT Dimova, H Dulai, BS Gilfedder… - Earth-Science …, 2023 - Elsevier
The naturally occurring isotope radon-222 (222 Rn) is widely employed as a tracer for
groundwater discharge to lakes, lagoons, rivers, estuaries, and coastal oceans. Owing to the …

Tidal pumping drives nutrient and dissolved organic matter dynamics in a Gulf of Mexico subterranean estuary

IR Santos, WC Burnett, T Dittmar… - … et Cosmochimica Acta, 2009 - Elsevier
We hypothesize that nutrient cycling in a Gulf of Mexico subterranean estuary (STE) is fueled
by oxygen and labile organic matter supplied by tidal pumping of seawater into the coastal …