Grid computing has emerged as a new approach for solving large-scale problems in scientific, engineering, and commercial fields [1]. A deciding factor in grid computing design …
A grid computing environment provides a type of distributed computation that is unique because it is not centrally managed and it has the capability to connect heterogeneous …
Grid computing is a collection of geographically heterogeneous distributed computational resources that enables users for sharing data and other computing resources. One of the …
This paper presents an experimental study of the solutions space generated by the mathematical model of the Water Distribution Network Design Problem by using Two …
E Goudarzi, R Ravanmehr - Multiagent and Grid Systems, 2015 -
The computational grids as a distributed system are hardware and software infrastructures that are capable of solving large-scale issues, and they use heterogeneous or …
A Alizadeh, A Harounabadi, M Sadeghzadeh… -
Computational grids have become an appealing research area as they solve compute- intensive problems within the scientific community and in industry. A grid computational …
A Alizadeh, A Harounabadi, M Sadeghzadeh… -
Grid computing is a hardware and software infrastructure and provides affordable, sustainable, and reliable access. Its aim is to create a supercomputer using free resources …
RE Morales-Navarro, R Rivera-Lopez… - … Journal of Computers, 2016 -
This paper presents a parallel Variable Neighborhood Search (pVNS) algorithm for solving instances of the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP). pVSN uses two parallelization levels in …