The syntax of demonstratives in the Greek varieties of southern Italy and more broadly in diaspora Greek can serve as a case study of how long-term unbalanced contact can give …
C Guardiano - Quaderni di lavoro ASIt, 2014 -
Questo lavoro raccoglie alcune osservazioni preliminari da un'indagine comparativa sulle strutture nominali (d'ora in poi DP 2) in una selezione di dialetti dell'Italia meridionale …
G Silvestri - 2013 -
The research topic of this thesis is an investigation of some aspects of the nominal phrase (DP) in Romance. In particular, this work is concerned with issues related to the architecture …
G Silvestri - La Lingua Italiana: Storia, Struttura e Testi, 2016 -
Questo contributo si propone di descrivere le proprietà dei pronomi possessivi, illustrandone l'interazione con gli altri elementi della struttura sintattica del sintagma nominale (§ 2) e con …
The goal of this chapter is to offer the reader a short introduction to the concepts, distinctions, and notions that will be revisited in this volume, which is dedicated to the use of parameters …
The overarching question in this dissertation research is how the internal structure of a noun phrase can be best represented: is the structure of noun phrases universal, ie, the same in …
C Guardiano, M Stavrou - Languages, 2021 -
In this paper, we investigate patterns of persistence and change affecting the syntax of nominal structures in Italiot Greek in comparison to Modern (and Ancient) Greek, and we …
We contrast Asia Minor Greek to older and contemporary mainland Greek and the dominant language of the area, Turkish, in relation to constructions which appear to be vulnerable in …
P Baggio - Linguistic Inquiry, 2021 -
Noun phrases, such as this photo, can often appear both with modifiers, such as the adjective old, and with arguments, typically PPs such as of the queen. Most of the literature …