Arheološka evidencija o neobično sahranjenim osobama u srednjem veku

M Milosavljević - Етноантрополошки проблеми, 2021 -
Apstrakt: Istraživanja srednjovekovnih nekropola na prostoru današnje Srbije pokazala su
relativno standardizovan način sahranjivanja tela muškaraca, žena i dece. Pokojnici su …

Ritualiziranje kaciga–simboličan protokol željeznog doba Dolenjske

MB Kavur - Етноантрополошки проблеми, 2018 -
The ritualization of helmets, along with fragmentation and hybridization, is a well-known fact
in the wider area of South-Eastern Europe. It is apparent on the numerous examples of the …

Trgovina ili razmjena na Glasinačkom polju u prahistoriji.

A Sarić - Godisnjak/Yearbook, 2024 -
The discovery of tumuli on the Glasinac Plateau at the end of the 19th century marked the
beginning of archaeological interpretations of the burial goods within a cultural-historical …

Archaeological Evidence of Atypical Burials in the Middle Ages

M Milosavljević - Etnoantropološki problemi/Issues in Ethnology and …, 2021 -
The research into the Medieval necropolises in the territory of present-day Serbia has
established a relatively standardized mode of interment of the bodies of men, women, and …

Ritualizing Helmets–Symbolic Protocol of the Iron Age in Dolenjska

MB Kavur - Etnoantropološki problemi/Issues in Ethnology and …, 2018 -
The ritualization of helmets, along with fragmentation and hybridization, is a well-known fact
in the wider area of South-Eastern Europe. It is apparent on the numerous examples of the …