Teff (Eragrostis tef) processing, utilization and future opportunities: a review

R Barretto, RM Buenavista, JL Rivera… - … Journal of Food …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
The demand for food production has been constantly increasing due to rising population. In
developed countries, for example, the emergence of regional production of old grains that …

[PDF][PDF] Nutrient profile and in vitro degradability of new promising mutant lines sorghum as forage in Indonesia

T Wahyono, I Sugoro, A Jayanegara… - Adv. Anim …, 2019 - nexusacademicpublishers.com
G5 and G8 are two sorghum mutant lines projected as special sorghum varieties for forage
in Indonesia. The objective of this research was to investigate the nutrient profile and in vitro …

[PDF][PDF] Evaluasi pertumbuhan dan produktivitas sorgum mutan Brown Midrib (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) fase pertumbuhan berbeda sebagai pakan hijauan pada …

R Sriagtula, S Sowmen - Jurnal Peternakan Indonesia, 2018 - academia.edu
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi pertumbuhan dan produksi biomasa beberapa
galur sorgum mutan BMR fase pertumbuhan berbeda sebagai pakan hijauan di tanah ultisol …

[HTML][HTML] Balancing environmental impact: A sustainability index analysis of sorghum production for food and feed

A Prabowo, RN Hayati, S Minarsih, B Haryanto… - Global Journal of …, 2024 - gjesm.net
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Sorghum is a grain-producing commodity with the
seeds being a food source, while the leaves, stems, and bran serve as animal feed. The …

White Midrib (WMR) vs Brown Midrib (BMR) sorghum: perspective of nutrient value for ruminant forage

T Wahyono, WM Indiratama… - IOP Conference Series …, 2021 - iopscience.iop.org
Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) cultivars can be classified as white midrib (WMR) and brown
midrib (BMR). The BMR cultivar is the most potentially to be used as ruminant forage …

Pengaruh waktu pemanenan sorgum Samurai 1 ratun ke 1 terhadap berat segar, kadar bahan kering, dan protein kasar sebagai pakan ruminansia

FR Pelealu, MR Waani, RAV Tuturoong… - Zootec, 2022 - ejournal.unsrat.ac.id
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui berat segar, kadar bahan kering (BK), kadar
protein kasar (PK) sorgum Samurai 1 ratun 1 pada fase panen yang berbeda. Rancangan …

[PDF][PDF] Profil kecernaan in vitro tanaman sorgum hasil pemuliaan dengan mutasi radiasi

T Wahyono, SNW Hardani, D Ansori… - … . Pusat Aplikasi Isotop …, 2018 - researchgate.net
Sorgum adalah tanaman serealia yang berpotensi untuk digunakan sebagai hijauan pakan
di Indonesia. Badan Tenaga Nuklir Nasional (BATAN) sebagai lembaga riset telah melepas …

[PDF][PDF] Influence of different variety and wilting treatment on the nutritive value of whole plant sorghum silage

T Wahyono, WT Sasongko… - Advances in Animal …, 2022 - researchgate.net
Our objective was to investigate the effect of different variety and wilting treatment on silage
quality and in vitro degradability of whole-plant sorghum. Three sorghum varieties (Numbu …

[PDF][PDF] The effect of bio-slurry fertilization on growth, dry matter yield and quality of hybrid sudangrass and sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) Samurai-2 variety.

B Nohong, R Islamiyati - Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 2018 - agrojournal.org
09 Nohong.indd Page 1 592 Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 24 (No 4) 2018, 592–598
The effect of bio-slurry fertilization on growth, dry matter yield and quality of hybrid sudangrass …

Physical and Chemical Quality of Sorghum and Indigofera Silage as Cow Feeding in the Sentra Pertanian Terpadu of PT Arutmin Indonesia Tambang Asamasam

N Jannah, F Maulana, E Wawan, N Yakin… - Asian Journal of Social …, 2024 - ajosh.org
To support the management of forage and cattle fattening business at the Integrated
Agricultural Center (SPT) of PT Arutmin Indonesia Tambang Asamasam. This research uses …