The distribution of returns from land efficiency improvement in multistage production systems

L Awada, PWB Phillips - Canadian Journal of Agricultural …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
This paper assesses the distributional consequences of technical changes that improve the
efficiency of land and of other inputs in a multifactor crop‐production system. We introduced …

Bayesian hierarchical models for measuring varietal improvement in tobacco yield and quality

AF Ramsey, RM Rejesus - Journal of Agricultural and Applied …, 2021 -
We measure the economic impact of varietal improvement and technological change in flue-
cured tobacco across quantity (eg, yield) and quality dimensions under a voluntary quality …

Three essays on applied economics

M Ko - 2023 -
This dissertation is centered on applyingnonlinearity'across various fields, a decision
informed by the understanding that linear models frequently fail to capture the full extent of …

Valuing the absence of feral swine for US corn, soybean, wheat, rice, and peanut producers and consumers. A partial equilibrium approach

J Holderieath - 2016 -
Conflicts between humans and wildlife are manifestations of inevitable divergences
between human interests and wildlife presence and survival. Those conflicts can range from …

Investigating the practices and challenges for turfgrass breeders and distributors

C Yue, J Wang, E Watkins, SA Bonos, KC Nelson… - …, 2019 -
An online survey was conducted to investigate the current practices of and challenges for
turfgrass breeders and turfgrass seed distributors (or sales staff) in the United States. We …

Outstanding in the Field: Impacts of Public Small Grains Breeding in Virginia

B Garber, J Alwang, GW Norton - Journal of Agricultural and Applied …, 2022 -
New production from public and exclusive varieties released by the small grains breeding
program at Virginia Tech generated cumulative discounted benefits of $41 million from 2000 …

[PDF][PDF] Warming Temperatures and Potential Adaptation through Breeding: Evidence from US Soft Winter Wheat

M Ko, AF Ramsey - 2022 -
This paper examines the impact of climate change on crop quality and quantity using annual
wheat trial data. As much present research focuses on the relationship between grain yields …

[PDF][PDF] Impact of warming on Quantity and Quality of Wheat Varieties in the US

M Ko - 2022 -
This paper examines the impact of climate change on crop quality and quantity using annual
wheat trial data. As much present research focuses on the relationship between grain yields …

Assessing the Benefits of Virginia Tech Agricultural Programs: Studies in Feeder Cattle Certification and Small Grains Breeding

BF Garber - 2021 -
Assessing the Benefits of Virginia Tech Agricultural Programs: Studies in Feeder Cattle
Certification and Small Grains Breeding Page 1 Assessing the Benefits of Virginia Tech …

Potential welfare impacts from the continued spread of wild pigs

JJ Holderieath, MK Crosby, TE McConnell - Q Open, 2022 -
Wild pigs are spreading across the United States leaving potentially devastating crop losses
in their wake. The majority of US corn, soybean, and wheat (approximately 85, 79, and 73 …