The current high demand for fish and increased awareness of the role of the environment in supporting human well being has led to a situation where attitudes to inland water resources …
AI López-Archilla, I Marín, R Amils - Microbial ecology, 2001 - Springer
We studied the correlation between physicochemical and biological characteristics of an acidic river, the Tinto River, in Southwestern Spain. The Tinto River is an extreme …
Zooplankton are critical to the vitality of estuaries and coastal waters. In this revised edition of Johnson and Allen's instant classic, readers are taken on a tour of the miniature universe …
1. Nekton as an ecomorphological type of biont The term nekton was suggested and used for the first time in 1890 by E. Haeckel in his book Plankton-Studien. Etymologically the word …
JM Drake, DM Lodge - Aquatic Invasions, 2007 -
Anthropogenic biological invasions are a leading threat to aquatic biodiversity in marine, estuarine, and freshwater ecosystems worldwide. Ballast water discharged from …
The periodic nature of blooms is the main characteristic in marine plankton ecology. Release of toxic substances by phytoplankton species or toxic phytoplankton reduce the …
1. High speed cinefilms of a serpulid trochophore, a bdelloid rotifer, and an echinopluteus show two ways cilia remove particles from suspensions. 2. In the pluteus a particle passing …
N Rahmah, A Zulfikar, T Apriadi - Journal of Marine Research, 2022 -
Abstract Perairan Sei Carang merupakan estuari di Kota Tanjungpinang. Wilayah estuari adalah perairan yang subur karena kaya akan nutrien yang akan berdampak terhadap …
EM Yuliana, E Harris, NTM Pratiwi - Jurnal Akuatika Vol. III No, 2012 -
Fitoplankton mempunyai peranan yang sangat penting di dalam suatu perairan, selain sebagai dasar dari rantai pakan (primary producer) juga merupakan salah satu parameter …