This article presents a review of the effects of adverse conditions (ACs) on the perceptual, linguistic, cognitive, and neurophysiological mechanisms underlying speech recognition …
P Winke, S Gass, C Myford - Language testing, 2013 -
Based on evidence that listeners may favor certain foreign accents over others (Gass & Varonis, 1984; Major, Fitzmaurice, Bunta, & Balasubramanian, 2002; Tauroza & Luk, 1997) …
Foreign-accented speech can be difficult to understand but listeners can adapt to novel talkers and accents with appropriate experience. Previous studies have demonstrated talker …
Understanding spoken language requires mapping acoustic input onto stored phonological and lexical representations. Speech tokens, however, are notoriously variable: they fluctuate …
This study explores phonetic convergence during conversations between pairs of talkers with varying language distance. Specifically, we examined conversations within two native …
SLM Heald, HC Nusbaum - Frontiers in systems neuroscience, 2014 -
One view of speech perception is that acoustic signals are transformed into representations for pattern matching to determine linguistic structure. This process can be taken as a …
The current study investigated first language (L1) effects on listener judgment of comprehensibility and accentedness in second language (L2) speech. The participants …
Speech from unfamiliar talkers can be difficult to comprehend initially. These difficulties tend to dissipate with exposure, sometimes within minutes or less. Adaptivity in response to …
E Reinisch, LL Holt - Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human …, 2014 -
Listeners use lexical knowledge to retune phoneme categories. When hearing an ambiguous sound between/s/and/f/in lexically unambiguous contexts such as gira [s/f] …