Penggunaan Electronic Money Sebagai Alat Transaksi Dalam Persfektif Islam

M Andani, NF Hidayanti, Z Ariani… - Seminar Nasional …, 2024 -
The use of Electronic Money (e-money) has become an important research subject in
Islamic economics, as this technology offers the potential to facilitate efficient financial …

The Effect Of Qardhul Hasan Capital On Micro Business Development Of Islamic Micro Waqf Bank Customers (Research On Bwm Syariah Lan Taburo La Tansa …

B Budiman, E Widasari - Indonesian Journal of Islamic Business …, 2023 -
Micro and small enterprises are very important in supporting national economic stability.
With micro businesses, people can run their economy without having to use regulations …

Strategi Pembinaan dalam Meminimalisir Resiko Pengembalian Modal Pinjaman Nasabah Bank Wakaf Mikro Syariah

B Budiman, R Rahayu… - Azmina: Jurnal …, 2023 -
Penelitian ini membahas bagaimana strategi pembinaan bank wakaf mikro dalam
pengembalian modal pinjaman nasabah. Selanjutnya akan paparkan kedalam beberapa …

Dampak Destinasi Wisata Halal Terhadap Pemanfaatan Potensi Ekonomi Kreatif Bagi Masyarakat Di Gunung Luhur Negeri Di Atas Awan

D Hidayat - Aksioma Al-Musaqoh, 2020 -
Determining the potential of the economic sector in regional development is important as an
effort to allocate available resources appropriately. The potential growth of the economic …

Pengaruh Pembiayaan Mikro Syariah Dalam Mengembangkan Usaha Di Kabupaten Lebak

M Maskur - Aksioma Al-Musaqoh, 2019 -
Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh masalah mendasar perbankan syariah yang mempunyai
peranan penting dalam perkembangaan perekonomian masyarakat dalam pembiayaan …

Analisis Iklim Lingkungan Kerja Terhadap Peningkatan Kinerja Karyawan

AF Hadziq - Aksioma Al-Musaqoh, 2023 -
This study aims to determine:(1) the condition of the work environment at the National Amil
Zakat Agency (BAZNAS) of Lebak Regency,(2) employee performance at the National Amil …

Analisis Pemikiran Karl Marx Tentang Sosialisme Dalam Perspektif Ekonomi Islam

DR Fauziah, N Yuliantina - Aksioma Al-Musaqoh, 2024 -
Karl Marx, a famous philosopher, economist, and political theorist, has made significant
contributions to the thought on socialism can be analyzed in the perpsective of Islamic …

Analisis Rasio Aktivitas Untuk Menilai Kinerja Keuangan Pada PT. XL Axiata Tbk Tahun 2015-2019

M Muyasaroh, N Nafilah - Aksioma Al-Musaqoh, 2024 -
The purpose of this study was to determine how the activity ratio analysis and to assess how
the financial performance of PT. XL Axiata Tbk in 2015-2019. The method used in this …

Modifikasi Syariah Pada Kerangka Risiko Return

E Anjani - Aksioma Al-Musaqoh, 2024 -
Sharia modifications in the risk and return framework are used to manage risk and achieve
the desired level of return. This method involves using financial instruments that comply with …

Analisis Perbandingan Sistem Ekonomi Kapitalis Dengan Ekonomi Islam

DR Fauziah, S Sarkani - Aksioma Al-Musaqoh, 2023 -
The capitalist economic system is an economic system based on a principle often called the
free market and private ownership of economic resources. Meanwhile, Islamic Economics is …