Substantive criminal law defines the conduct that the state punishes. Or does it? If the answer is yes, it should be possible, by reading criminal codes (perhaps with a few case …
MA Beres - Feminism & Psychology, 2014 -
Sexual violence prevention has shifted from centering around a message of 'no means no'toward a message of 'get consent.'This paper explores how young adults conceptualise …
We regularly wield powers that, upon close scrutiny, appear remarkably magical. By sheer exercise of will, we bring into existence things that have never existed before. With but a …
Women's rights advocates in the United States have long argued that violence against women denies women equality and citizenship, but it took a movement of feminist activists …
This book examines laws and customs of war prohibiting rape crimes dating back thousands of years, even though gender-specific crimes, particularly sex crimes, have been prevalent …
When does a woman give valid consent to sexual relations? When does her consent render it morally or legally permissible for a man to have sexual relations with her? Why is sexual …
Over the past decade, mainstream feminist theory has repeatedly and urgently cautioned against arguments which assert the existence of fundamental—or essential—differences …
This much-needed book is a concise and accessible account of the contribution of feminist thinking to the study of crime. Tracing the intellectual history of criminology from its scientific …
" Rape-by-deception" is almost universally rejected in American criminal law. But if rape is sex without the victim's consent-as many courts, state statutes, and scholars say it is-then …