[HTML][HTML] Integrating Knowledge Graphs into Autonomous Vehicle Technologies: A Survey of Current State and Future Directions

SNN Htun, K Fukuda - Information, 2024 - mdpi.com
Autonomous vehicles (AVs) represent a transformative innovation in transportation,
promising enhanced safety, efficiency, and sustainability. Despite these promises, achieving …

Unsupervised multi-view gaze representation learning

J Gideon, S Su, S Stent - … of the IEEE/CVF Conference on …, 2022 - openaccess.thecvf.com
We present a method for unsupervised gaze representation learning from multiple
synchronized views of a person's face. The key assumption is that images of the same eye …

Human-centric intelligent driving: Collaborating with the driver to improve safety

A Balachandran, TL Chen, JYM Goh, S McGill… - Automated Road …, 2021 - Springer
Despite the benefits of autonomous vehicles, their many challenges have made their wide
scale deployment and adoption slower than hoped for. In order to help spread the potential …

Learning to estimate driver drowsiness from car acceleration sensors using weakly labeled data

T Katsuki, K Zhao, T Yoshizumi - ICASSP 2020-2020 IEEE …, 2020 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This paper addresses the learning task of estimating driver drowsiness from the signals of
car acceleration sensors. Since even drivers themselves cannot perceive their own …

Robust Methods for the Automatic Quantification and Prediction of Affect in Spoken Interactions

Z Aldeneh - 2020 - deepblue.lib.umich.edu
Emotional expression plays a key role in interactions as it communicates the necessary
context needed for understanding the behaviors and intentions of individuals. Therefore, a …