Review of snow cover variation over the Tibetan Plateau and its influence on the broad climate system

Q You, T Wu, L Shen, N Pepin, L Zhang, Z Jiang… - Earth-Science …, 2020 - Elsevier
Variation in snow cover over the Tibetan Plateau (TP) is a key component of climate change
and variability, and critical for many hydrological and biological processes. This review first …

On the weakening relationship between the Indian monsoon and ENSO

KK Kumar, B Rajagopalan, MA Cane - Science, 1999 -
Analysis of the 140-year historical record suggests that the inverse relationship between the
El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and the Indian summer monsoon (weak monsoon …

Monsoons: Processes, predictability, and the prospects for prediction

PJ Webster, VO Magana, TN Palmer… - Journal of …, 1998 - Wiley Online Library
The Tropical Ocean‐Global Atmosphere (TOGA) program sought to determine the
predictability of the coupled ocean‐atmosphere system. The World Climate Research …

Progress during TOGA in understanding and modeling global teleconnections associated with tropical sea surface temperatures

KE Trenberth, GW Branstator, D Karoly… - Journal of …, 1998 - Wiley Online Library
The primary focus of this review is tropical‐extratropical interactions and especially the
issues involved in determining the response of the extratropical atmosphere to tropical …

Permafrost degradation and its environmental effects on the Tibetan Plateau: A review of recent research

M Yang, FE Nelson, NI Shiklomanov, D Guo… - Earth-Science …, 2010 - Elsevier
A significant portion of the Tibetan Plateau is underlain by permafrost, and is highly sensitive
to climate change. Observational data from recent Chinese investigations on permafrost …

[PDF][PDF] Inter‐decadal variation of the summer precipitation in East China and its association with decreasing Asian summer monsoon. Part I: Observed evidences

Y Ding, Z Wang, Y Sun - … Journal of Climatology: A Journal of the …, 2008 -
In recent two decades, North and Northeast China have suffered from severe and persistent
droughts while the Yangtze River basin and South China have undergone much more …

[HTML][HTML] The onset and interannual variability of the Asian summer monsoon in relation to land–sea thermal contrast

C Li, M Yanai - Journal of Climate, 1996 -
The onset and interannual variability of the Asian summer monsoon in relation to land–sea
thermal contrast and its contributing factors are studied using a 14-yr (1979–1992) dataset …

[HTML][HTML] Snow cover distribution, variability, and response to climate change in western China

Q Dahe, L Shiyin, L Peiji - Journal of climate, 2006 -
A study is presented of the geographical distribution and spatial and temporal variabilities of
the western China snow cover in the past 47 yr between 1951 and 1997. The data used …

[HTML][HTML] Decadal change of the spring snow depth over the Tibetan Plateau: The associated circulation and influence on the East Asian summer monsoon

Y Zhang, T Li, B Wang - Journal of Climate, 2004 -
Decadal Change of the Spring Snow Depth over the Tibetan Plateau: The Associated Circulation
and Influence on the East Asian Summer Monsoon in: Journal of Climate Volume 17 Issue 14 …

A new snow parameterization for the Météo-France climate model: Part I: validation in stand-alone experiments

H Douville, JF Royer, JF Mahfouf - Climate Dynamics, 1995 - Springer
Both observational studies and numerical experiments demonstrate the sensitivity of the
atmosphere to variations in the extent and mass of snow cover. There is therefore a need for …