General probabilistic theories: An introduction

M Plávala - Physics Reports, 2023 - Elsevier
We introduce the framework of general probabilistic theories (GPTs for short). GPTs are a
class of operational theories that generalize both finite-dimensional classical and quantum …

A no-go theorem on the nature of the gravitational field beyond quantum theory

TD Galley, F Giacomini, JH Selby - Quantum, 2022 -
Recently, table-top experiments involving massive quantum systems have been proposed to
test the interface of quantum theory and gravity. In particular, the crucial point of the debate …

Accessible fragments of generalized probabilistic theories, cone equivalence, and applications to witnessing nonclassicality

JH Selby, D Schmid, E Wolfe, AB Sainz, R Kunjwal… - Physical Review A, 2023 - APS
The formalism of generalized probabilistic theories (GPTs) was originally developed as a
way to characterize the landscape of conceivable physical theories. Thus, the GPT …

Reconstructing quantum theory from diagrammatic postulates

JH Selby, CM Scandolo, B Coecke - Quantum, 2021 -
A reconstruction of quantum theory refers to both a mathematical and a conceptual
paradigm that allows one to derive the usual formulation of quantum theory from a set of …

Microcanonical thermodynamics in general physical theories

G Chiribella, CM Scandolo - New Journal of Physics, 2017 -
Microcanonical thermodynamics studies the operations that can be performed on systems
with well-defined energy. So far, this approach has been applied to classical and quantum …

Detecting beyond-quantum nonlocality using standard local quantum observables

H Arai, B Yu, M Hayashi - Physical Review A, 2024 - APS
We study the detection of beyond-quantum nonlocal states that can exist in a theoretical
model whose local systems are standard quantum theory in the framework of general …

A no-go theorem for theories that decohere to quantum mechanics

CM Lee, JH Selby - Proceedings of the Royal Society A …, 2018 -
To date, there has been no experimental evidence that invalidates quantum theory. Yet it
may only be an effective description of the world, in the same way that classical physics is an …

Quantum computation is the unique reversible circuit model for which bits are balls

M Krumm, MP Müller - npj Quantum Information, 2019 -
The computational efficiency of quantum mechanics can be characterized in terms of the
qubit circuit model, which is defined by a few simple properties: each computational gate is a …

Simple proof of the impossibility of bit commitment in generalized probabilistic theories using cone programming

J Sikora, J Selby - Physical review A, 2018 - APS
Bit commitment is a fundamental cryptographic task, in which Alice commits a bit to Bob such
that she cannot later change the value of the bit, while, simultaneously, the bit is hidden from …

Improvements on Device Independent and Semi-Device Independent Protocols of Randomness Expansion

R Bhavsar - arXiv preprint arXiv:2311.13528, 2023 -
To generate genuine random numbers, random number generators based on quantum
theory are essential. However, ensuring that the process used to produce randomness …