We propose a new self-supervised CNN pre-training technique based on a novel auxiliary task called odd-one-out learning. In this task, the machine is asked to identify the unrelated …
We illustrate the concepts of sessions and session types as they have been developed in the setting of the π-calculus. Motivated by the goal of obtaining a formalisation closer to …
Distributed systems are difficult to implement correctly because they must handle both concurrency and failures: machines may crash at arbitrary points and networks may reorder …
Communication is a fundamental and integral part of computing, whether between different computers on a network, or between components within a single computer. In this book …
Induction is a pervasive tool in computer science and mathematics for defining objects and reasoning on them. Coinduction is the dual of induction and as such it brings in quite …
Nominal sets provide a promising new mathematical analysis of names in formal languages based upon symmetry, with many applications to the syntax and semantics of programming …
L Caires, F Pfenning - International Conference on Concurrency Theory, 2010 - Springer
Several type disciplines for π-calculi have been proposed in which linearity plays a key role, even if their precise relationship with pure linear logic is still not well understood. In this …
The world is increasingly populated with interactive agents distributed in space, real or abstract. These agents can be artificial, as in computing systems that manage and monitor …
Extending the pi calculus with the session types proposed by Honda et al. allows high-level specifications of structured patterns of communication, such as client-server protocols, to be …