Larger pollinators deposit more pollen on stigmas across multiple plant species—a meta‐analysis

R Földesi, BG Howlett, I Grass… - Journal of Applied …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Many insect species provide essential pollination services. However, the amount of pollen
deposited onto a stigma when visiting a flower ('single visit pollen deposition', SVD) can vary …

Bumblebee resilience to climate change, through plastic and adaptive responses

K Maebe, AF Hart, L Marshall… - Global change …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Bumblebees are ubiquitous, cold‐adapted eusocial bees found worldwide from subarctic to
tropical regions of the world. They are key pollinators in most temperate and boreal …

[图书][B] Pollinators and pollination: nature and society

J Ollerton - 2021 -
A unique and personal insight into the ecology and evolution of pollinators, their
relationships with flowers, and their conservation in a rapidly changing world. The …

Chronic impairment of bumblebee natural foraging behaviour induced by sublethal pesticide exposure

RJ Gill, NE Raine - Functional Ecology, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
Insect pollination is a vital ecosystem service that maintains biodiversity and sustains
agricultural crop yields. Social bees are essential insect pollinators, so it is concerning that …

[图书][B] Bumblebees: behaviour, ecology, and conservation

D Goulson - 2010 -
Bumblebees are familiar and charismatic insects, occurring throughout much of the world.
They are increasingly being used as a model organism for studying a wide range of …

Field realistic doses of pesticide imidacloprid reduce bumblebee pollen foraging efficiency

H Feltham, K Park, D Goulson - Ecotoxicology, 2014 - Springer
Bumblebees and other pollinators provide a vital ecosystem service for the agricultural
sector. Recent studies however have suggested that exposure to systemic neonicotinoid …

Plight of the bumble bee: pathogen spillover from commercial to wild populations

SR Colla, MC Otterstatter, RJ Gegear… - Biological conservation, 2006 - Elsevier
Pathogen spread or 'spillover'can occur when heavily infected, domestic hosts interact with
closely-related wildlife populations. Commercially-produced bumble bees used in …

Comparison of pesticide exposure in honey bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae) and bumble bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae): implications for risk assessments

AE Gradish, J Van Der Steen… - Environmental …, 2019 -
To date, regulatory pesticide risk assessments have relied on the honey bee (Apis mellifera
L.)(Hymenoptera: Apidae) as a surrogate test species for estimating the risk of pesticide …

Thermal flight performance reveals impact of warming on bumblebee foraging potential

D Kenna, S Pawar, RJ Gill - Functional Ecology, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
The effects of environmental temperature on components of insect flight determine life‐
history traits, fitness, adaptability and, ultimately, organism ecosystem functional roles …

Evidence for the adaptive significance of circadian rhythms

S Yerushalmi, RM Green - Ecology letters, 2009 - Wiley Online Library
Circadian (∼ 24 h) clock regulated biological rhythms have been identified in a wide range
of organisms from prokaryotic unicellular cyanobacteria to higher mammals. These rhythms …