Jellyfish blooms can represent a significant but largely overlooked source of organic matter (OM), in particular at the local and regional scale. We provide an overview of the current …
Science is addressing global societal challenges, and due to limitations in research financing, scientists are turning to the public at large to jointly tackle specific environmental …
Sardine and anchovy have shown important changes in landings, biomass, abundance and body condition with time in the Western Mediterranean Sea. Several hypotheses have been …
The rising demand of ecosystem services, due to the increasing human population in coastal areas, and the subsequent need to secure healthy and sustainable seas constitute a …
High precision, high coverage DNA-based diet analysis tools allow great insight into the food web interactions of cryptic taxa. We used DNA fecal-metabarcoding to look for …
Gelatinous zooplankton, including cnidarians, ctenophores, and tunicates (appendicularians, pyrosomes, salps and doliolids), are often overlooked by scientific …
A Ruiz-Frau - Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
Recurrent jellyfish blooms in tourist areas have negative effects on coastal and national economies. We investigate how jellyfish presence affects holiday destination choice and …
Jellyfish are important organisms within marine ecosystems, although the extent of their occurrence and diversity is likely underestimated, particularly for biodiversity-rich locations …
Large jellyfish are important consumers of plankton, fish eggs and fish larvae in heavily fished ecosystems worldwide; yet they are seldom included in fisheries production models …