Dualité et comparaison pour les complexes de de Rham logarithmiques par rapport aux diviseurs libres Page 1 ANNA L E S D E L’INSTITU T FO U RIER ANNALES DE L’INSTITUT …
M Granger, M Schulze - Compositio Mathematica, 2006 - cambridge.org
In this article, we prove that a free divisor in a three-dimensional complex manifold must be Euler homogeneous in a strong sense if the cohomology of its complement is the …
The Bernstein–Sato polynomial of a hypersurface is an important object with many applications. However, its computation is hard, as a number of open questions and …
T Torrelli - Bulletin de la société mathématique de France, 2004 - numdam.org
Given a germ h of holomorphic function on (Cn, 0), we study the condition:“the ideal AnnD1/h is generated by operators of order 1”. We obtain here full characterizations in the …
El objetivo principal de la tesis doctoral es estudiar invariantes topológicos y algebraicos de las singularidades de Yomdin-Lê utilizando Q-resoluciones encajadas. La diferencia …
Noncommutative Computer Algebra with Applications in Algebraic Analysis Page 1 Noncommutative Computer Algebra with Applications in Algebraic Analysis Von der …
In this chapter we study the comparison between the logarithmic and the meromorphic de Rham complexes along a divisor in a complex manifold. We focus on the case of free …
Let C [x]= C [x1,…, xn] be the ring of polynomials with complex coefficients and An the Weyl algebra of order n over C. Elements in An are linear differential operators with polynomial …
M Granger, D Mond, AN Reyes, M Schulze - preprint, 2007 - Citeseer
A hypersurface D in Cn is a linear free divisor if the module of logarithmic vector fields along D has a basis of global linear vector fields. It is then defined by a homogeneous polynomial …