Regional economies: Reality, and national TV reporting

J Suchaček, J Urminský - Tér és Társadalom, 2022 -
The problem of the spatial patterns of information transmitted by media is insu ciently
debated within the literature so far. In relation to territorial marketing, in most countries the …

The Image of the Czech Agriculture Based on the National Television News in the Period of Adaptation of Czechia Into the European Union: Regional Perspectives

J Sucháček, O Konečný… - European …, 2023 -
Agriculture represents one of the most important economic activities that co-creates the
qualities of landscapes. While topics such as food production, land utilization, or the …

Solid as a Rock: Media Portrayals of Cross-Border Activities

J Suchacek - Sustainability, 2022 -
Much has been said and written about the importance of cross-border activities. With the
process of opening up the borders, these cross-border activities became increasingly …

Polish Sceptics and Czech Optimists: Perception of the Development within Euroregion Beskydy

S Jan, U Jaroslav - Tér és Társadalom, 2024 -
The openness of space is one of the fundamental ideas behind the existence of the
European Union. The bene ts arising from this should outweigh the disadvantages …

Polish Sceptics and Czech Optimists: Perception of the Development within Euroregion Beskydy= Szkeptikus lengyelek és optimista csehek: fejlesztési percepciók a …

J Suchaček, J Urminský - TÉR ÉS TÁRSADALOM, 2024 -
The openness of space is one of the fundamental ideas behind the existence ofthe
European Union. The benefits arising from this should outweigh the disadvantages …

Polish Sceptics and Czech Optimists: Perception of the Development within Euroregion Beskydy.

JAN SUCHÁČEK, J URMINSKÝ - Space & Society/Tér és …, 2024 -
The openness of space is one of the fundamental ideas behind the existence of the
European Union. The bene ts arising from this should outweigh the disadvantages …

Measurement of soft factors in the EU regional development: Case of media image of Czech regions

EVA POLEDNÍKOVÁ - XXII. Mezinárodní kolokvium o regionálních …, 2019 -
In the European Union, there is the belief that with the limited development potential of
European territory, the endogenous development factors have become more important …

[PDF][PDF] What places bait investments? Urban management stance

J Sucháček - GeoScape, 2022 -
There are only little doubts that territorial competition related to attracting new investments is
getting increasingly severe. This competition is closely connected with the wide spectrum of …

[PDF][PDF] Media Representation of Coronavirus in Romanian Online Press. National, European, and International Themes

G Manole-Andrei, F Mocanu - Ovidius University Annals, Economic …, 2021 -
Our research aims to discover how Romanian online press describes the coronavirus
pandemic in terms of National, European, and International themes by examining online …

[PDF][PDF] European Territorial Identity in the Light of Covid-19

J Sucháček - on European Integration 2022, 2022 -
European territorial identity that constitutes an indispensable part of European integration
has been increasingly challenged in last two decades. This has much to do with crises of …