We study exact algorithms for Euclidean TSP in R d. In the early 1990s algorithms with n O (√ n) running time were presented for the planar case, and some years later an algorithm …
We give an algorithmic and lower-bound framework that facilitates the construction of subexponential algorithms and matching conditional complexity bounds. It can be applied to …
We revisit the classic task of finding the shortest tour of n, points in d-dimensional Euclidean space, for any fixed constant d\geqslant2. We determine the optimal dependence on ε in the …
Recently it was shown that many classic graph problems—Independent Set, Dominating Set, Hamiltonian Cycle, and more—can be solved in subexponential time on unit-ball …
Origins of geometry. The Greek historian Herodotus traces the origins of geometry to ancient Egypt, in the valley of the Nile river. There, king Sesostris"... divided the country among all …
We study exact algorithms for Metric tsp in. In the early 1990s, algorithms with running time were presented for the planar case, and some years later an algorithm with running time …