N Van Hear - Refuge: Canada's Journal on Refugees, 2006 - JSTOR
When people flee conflict or persecution, a common pattern is for most to seek safety in other parts of their country, for a substantial number to look for refuge in a neighbouring …
In this dissertation, I examine the experiences of Somali children and youth in both state sponsored and community educational spaces in North America to investigate how these …
Based upon qualitative research with Somali refugees in two European host countries–the UK and the Netherlands-this paper explores the micro-level experiences and ongoing …
The purpose of this paper is to provide an initial exploration of how conflict shapes internal migration and the dynamics of domestic monetary transfers. Studies on remittances focus on …
The research addresses what Somali women living in Kansas City, Missouri do to assist their households and communities to come to terms with the consequences of forced …
The purpose of this study was to explore the utility of the trust circle, an original approach which is characterized by trust circle size (how many people are trusted) and trust circle …
This study explores the resettlement challenges of Somali single mothers in Ottawa, and the health implications of these challenges. The study also investigates the coping strategies …
E Olsson - Delegationen för Migrationsstudier Kunskapsöversikt, 2016 - delmi.se
I blickfånget för denna kunskapsöversikt står begreppet diaspora och kunskap om diasporafenomen i policysammanhang. I den allmänna betydelsen betecknar diaspora ofta …
B Leimsidor - DEP. DEPORTATE, ESULI, PROFUGHE, 2010 - iris.unive.it
Il protrarsi del conflitto in Somalia ha causato un fenomeno migratorio di notevole complessità. La diaspora che ne è risultata si inserisce in una dinamica transnazionale …