B Koc-Kozłowiec - Redakcja naukowa - dlibra.bu.uz.zgora.pl
Globalna sieć–Internet–nie ma granic. Każdy użytkownik korzysta z sieci na różne sposoby i występuje w wielu jej miejscach. Stąd też liczne są sytuacje, w których dochodzi do …
M Sokołowski - The New Educational Review, 2015 - cejsh.icm.edu.pl
The paper offers a review of Polish discussions on the educational aspects of film. While initially many authors were quite sceptical of film, then viewed primarily as a form of cheap …
New media are frequently used for presenting views and developing desired socio-political opinions. The social networking websites are becoming an objection towards the use of …
M Sokołowski - THE CURRENT STATE OF MEDIA EDUCATION … - mediaeducation.ucoz.ru
This article deals with the historical development of media education in Poland. The author draws our attention to the innovative attainments in film education, which started in the 19th …