Nonsingular terminal sliding mode guidance with impact angle constraints

SR Kumar, S Rao, D Ghose - Journal of Guidance, Control, and …, 2014 -
Guidance laws based on a conventional sliding mode ensures only asymptotic
convergence. However, convergence to the desired impact angle within a finite time is …

Impact-angle-constrained cooperative guidance for salvo attack

C Wang, W Dong, J Wang, M Xin - Journal of Guidance, Control, and …, 2022 -
This paper proposes distributed cooperative guidance laws for multiple missiles with
constant speeds to achieve impact-angle-constrained salvo attack against a stationary target …

Computational missile guidance: A deep reinforcement learning approach

S He, HS Shin, A Tsourdos - Journal of Aerospace Information Systems, 2021 -
This paper aims to examine the potential of using the emerging deep reinforcement learning
techniques in missile guidance applications. To this end, a Markovian decision process that …

Switched-gain guidance for impact angle control under physical constraints

R Tekin, KS Erer - Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 2015 -
The nonlinear impact angle control problem of a physically constrained pursuer against a
stationary ground target is solved through the use of a two-phased proportional navigation …

Nonlinear optimal impact-angle-constrained guidance with large initial heading error

H Li, J Wang, S He, CH Lee - Journal of Guidance, Control, and …, 2021 -
This paper investigates the problem of impact-angle-constrained guidance law design
against maneuvering target with large initial heading error. The guidance problem is first …

Guidance law design with fixed-time convergent error dynamics

C Wang, W Dong, J Wang, J Shan, M Xin - Journal of Guidance …, 2021 -
FOR decades, the proportional navigation guidance (PNG) law has been widely applied in
various guidance problems due to its implementation simplicity and efficiency [1]. The PNG …

Sensor-based robust incremental three-dimensional guidance law with terminal angle constraint

T Han, Q Hu, HS Shin, A Tsourdos, M Xin - Journal of Guidance …, 2021 -
In this work, a robust incremental three-dimensional (3D) guidance law is proposed
considering terminal angle constraint against maneuvering targets. As a stepping stone, the …

Optimality of error dynamics in missile guidance problems

S He, CH Lee - Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 2018 -
THE well-justified proportional navigation guidance (PNG) law [1, 2] and its variants have
been widely used in missile guidance during the last few decades. The long history of …

Distributed cooperative guidance of multiple anti-ship missiles with arbitrary impact angle constraint

X Wang, Y Zhang, H Wu - Aerospace Science and Technology, 2015 - Elsevier
The problem of distributed cooperative guidance with arbitrary impact angle constraint is
addressed. A new distributed cooperative guidance law, which consists of a local control …

Three-dimensional guidance for various target motions with terminal angle constraints using twisting control

Q Hu, T Han, M Xin - IEEE Transactions on Industrial …, 2019 -
In this paper, a twisting control-based guidance law considering nonlinear/coupled
dynamics and terminal angle constraints is proposed in a three-dimensional (3-D) space …