[PDF][PDF] Pengaruh Ukuran Partikel Beras Hitam (Oryza Sativa L.) Terhadap Rendemen Ekstrak Dan Kandungan Total Antosianin.[Influence of black rice particle size …

R Maulida, A Guntarti - J Pharm, 2015 - core.ac.uk
Beras hitam telah teruji memiliki kandungan antosianin yang cukup tinggi. Beras hitam
dapat menjadi sumber antosianin yang potensial jika penyarian antosianinnya optimal …

[PDF][PDF] Phytochemical compound and nutritional value in black rice from Java Island, Indonesia

F Fatchiyah, DRT Sari, A Safitri… - Systematic Reviews in …, 2020 - researchgate.net
ABSTRACT A study of anthocyanin in whole brain of pigmented rice has been concern to
deeply determine as healthy nutrition since the anthocyanin function of rice bran has proved …

Strategi Pegembangan Usaha Beras Hitam pada Asosiasi Tani Organik Sawangan di Kabupaten Magelang

E Stefani, R Nurmalina, A Rifin - AGRARIS: Journal of …, 2017 - journal.umy.ac.id
The black rice farming is potential to be developed in Indonesia for several reasons, for
instance it is a rare local varieties, has many health benefit, high value, and feaseable to be …

[PDF][PDF] Analisis antosianin dan flavonoid ekstrak kecambah beras hitam

SF Pasaribu, B Wiboworini, LR Kartikasari - Jurnal Dunia Gizi, 2021 - researchgate.net
Pendahuluan; Serealia merupakan sumber pangan fungsional dan nutraseutikal. Beras
hitam jenis beras spesies Oryza sativa L yang memiliki kandungan fitokimia bersifat …

[HTML][HTML] Optimization of Process Parameters of Parboiled Black Rice Using Response Surface Methodology

R Widyasaputra, E Syamsir… - Current Research in …, 2019 - foodandnutritionjournal.org
Black rice is well known as healthy food. Nowadays, some people try to change their diet
with this rice. However, it still has a problem with long preparation time and hard texture …

Protein profiling of coloring rice (Oryza sativa L.) using SDS-PAGE and experionTM260 analysis

DRT Sari, A Safitri, JRK Cairns… - Journal of Physics …, 2019 - iopscience.iop.org
Black rice is one of coloring rice and contains high nutrients, minerals, and bioactive
compounds. This study provides to investigate the protein profile of rice by using SDS PAGE …

Pengaruh jenis dan rasio substitusi beras hitam terhadap karakteristik fisikokimia rempeyek

NA Anugrahati, P Aurielle - Teknologi Pangan: Media …, 2021 - jurnal.yudharta.ac.id
Beras hitam merupakan salah satu jenis beras yang dibudidayakan di Indonesia yang
memiliki tekstur kering dan keras sehingga jarang. Beras hitam dapat dibedakan menjadi …

[PDF][PDF] The effect of stable manure and seedling number on growth and yield of black rice (Oryza sativa L. Indica)

O Herliana, I Widiyawati, SN Hadi - Caraka Tani: Journal of …, 2019 - academia.edu
Black rice is one of fungtional food sources. The obstacle of its cultivation is availability of
qualified seeds and organic fertilizers input. This research aimed to determine the effect of …

[PDF][PDF] Changes in antioxidant and physicochemical properties of Indonesian black rice flour (var. Banjarnegara and Bantul) during no-die extrusion cooking

DA Nindita, F Kusnandar, S Budijanto - J Teknol Industri Pangan, 2018 - academia.edu
This research aimed to evaluate the effect of extrusion cooking conditions (barrel
temperature and feed moisture content) on the changes in the physicochemical properties …

The yield and quality of black rice varieties in different altitude

E Purwanto, W Hidayati… - IOP Conference Series …, 2018 - iopscience.iop.org
This study aims to determine the optimal environmental conditions and corresponding black
rice varieties in order to produce high production and optimum quality rice. The study using …