Structural features of volcanic and hydrothermal systems can be used to infer the location of magma chambers or productive geothermal areas. The Hengill volcanic triple-junction …
We report the first detailed study of spatial variations on the diffuse emission of carbon dioxide (CO 2) and hydrogen sulfide (H 2 S) from Hengill volcanic system, Iceland. Soil CO 2 …
This chapter reviews Cenozoic plant assemblages from the sub‐arctic North Atlantic region and their biogeographic implications. Engler's hypothesis about the 'Arcto‐Tertiary …
Active/recent volcanism indicates the presence of high-enthalpy resources at depth, but sometimes there is not any evidence of endogenous fluids manifestations at surface, that …
This paper consists of geothermal mapping and identification of thermal anomalies using remote sensing in the Grændalur valley. This region is located in southwest Iceland …
En segundo lugar agradecer a los co-directores de la tesis, Pedro Hernández y Eleazar Padrón, por su tiempo, asesoramiento y dedicación. Quiero incluir en este apartado a la …
FIGURE 1 Global distribution of well known hydrothermal vent communities. Colors represent biogeographic provinces: dark blue, East Pacific Rise; green, northeast Pacific; …
Glaciers in the geologically active Iceland has a high scientific as well as touristic value. In this thesis, the two largest glaciers on Iceland have been studied with GPR to find if the …
Hydrothermal systems along mid-ocean ridges play an important role in the evolution of our planet by contributing to planetary cooling, geochemical mass balance, the formation of ore …