Viscous fingering is a commonly observed interfacial instability during fluid displacement, where a fingerlike shape is formed at the fluid interface when a more viscous fluid is …
Viscoelastic instabilities are notoriously sensitive to their geometrical environment. Consequently, understanding the onset and general behavior of viscoelastic instabilities in …
The lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) has emerged as a popular approach to simulate complex non-Newtonian fluid mechanics problems, such as those involving viscoelastic …
In this work, we show that the double-periodic boundary conditions typically applied in numerical simulations of elastic turbulence can lead to significantly incorrect results if not …
We consider an immersed elastic body that is actively driven through a structured fluid by a motor or an external force. The behavior of such a system generally cannot be solved …
Simulations of elastic turbulence, the chaotic flow of highly elastic and inertialess polymer solutions, are plagued by numerical difficulties: The chaotically advected polymer …
Many important practical applications involving porous media, cosmetics, biological systems, and food processing involve the transport of non-Newtonian fluids, which possess …
To simulate elastic turbulence, where viscoelasticity dominates, numerical solvers introduce an artificial stress diffusivity term to handle the steep polymer stress gradients that ensue …
This research develops a hybrid numerical model to investigate the electrohydrodynamic effects on multicomponent viscoelastic fluids. By combining the lattice Boltzmann and finite …