Relationship between magnetic field evolution and major flare event on July 14, 2000

Y Liu, H Zhang - Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2001 -
On July 14, 2000 the active region NOAA 9077 produced one of the largest solar flares
(3B/X5. 7) seen in recent years associated with a violent halo coronal mass ejection (CME) …

Soft X-ray flares and magnetic configuration in a solar active region in February 1992

HQ Zhang, T Sakurai, K Shibata… - … and Astrophysics, v …, 2000 -
In this paper, we examine the observational soft X-ray flares and the relationship with
photospheric vector magnetograms in the active region (NOAA 7070). We analyze the soft X …

Submergence of magnetic flux in interaction of sunspot groups

B Kálmán - Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2001 -
Submergence of magnetic flux is demonstrated in the process of evolution of sunspot groups
NOAA 6850 (26 Sep.-07 Oct. 1991) and 7220/22 (06-17 July 1992). In both cases new …

Photospheric plasma flows around a solar spot

VB Yurchyshyn, H Wang - Solar Physics, 2001 - Springer
We study photospheric plasma flows in an active region NOAA 8375, by using uninterrupted
high-resolution SOHO/MDI observations (137 intensity images, 44 hours of observations) …

On the outer boundary of the sunspot penumbra

B Kálmán - Solar Physics, 2002 - Springer
Abstract Comparison of photographic observations and vector-magnetograph
measurements demonstrate that the outer boundary of the sunspot penumbra–even in …

[PDF][PDF] Сравнение двух методов обнаружения нового магнитного потока в активной области

АА Головко, ВГ Файнштейн, ТЕ Попова - Солнечно-земная физика, 2012 -
There are compared two methods for finding new magnetic flux (NMF) emerging in active
regions before powerful flares accompanied by halo-type coronal mass ejections at more …

Estudo das características da componente S em 7GHz antes de grandes eventos

RV Souza - 2009 -
Os fenômenos solares são os principais agentes perturbadores da magnetosfera terrestre e
podem produzir tempestades geomagnéticas. Durante as tempestades geomagnéticas os …

[PDF][PDF] Napfoltok és napfoltcsoportok szerkezete és fejlődése

K Béla -
A „Napon látható jelek”-et először egy 3200 éves kínai jós-csont említi. Az első európai adat
szerzője a Napon látható foltokról Theofrasztosz, Arisztotelész tanítványa az Kr. e. 4 …

[HTML][HTML] Proton flares and the topology of the magnetic field in the active regions of the Sun

GA Porfir'eva, GV Yakunina, AB Delone - Int. J. Geomagn. Aeron, 2006 -
Events in flare productive active regions (ARs) accompanied by proton flares are considered
on the basis of the observations from the ground and spacecrafts during the recent decades …

Fotoszférikus horizontális áramlások vizsgálata= Study of photospheric horizontal flows

B Kálmán - OTKA Kutatási Jelentések| OTKA Research Reports, 2007 -
Debreceni fotohéliogramok, TRACE fotoszféra-, kromoszféra-és koronaképek valamint
SOHO MDI magnetogramok alapján a NOAA 9373 sz. szoláris aktiv vidék fejlődését …