A context-aware platform for comprehensive care of elderly people: Proposed architecture

JF Bravo-Torres, JO Ordoñez-Ordoñez… - 2017 CHILEAN …, 2017 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The number of elderly people in the world is growing rapidly. For this reason, is necessary
more tools for the care, entertainment, and interaction of this part of population. This paper …

Stimulating social interaction among elderly people through sporadic social networks

JO Ordonez-Ordonez, JF Bravo-Torres… - … on Devices, Circuits …, 2017 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The number of elderly people in the world is growing rapidly. For this reason, is necessary
more tools for the care, entertainment, and interaction of the elderly. This paper presents an …

SAFER-LIM: a platform for assistance, care and social integration for the elderly

PA Lema-Sarmiento, PE Calle-Romero… - … Conference, ICAT 2019 …, 2020 - Springer
The steady increase in the world's older adult population is about to become one of the most
critical social transformations of the 21st century, demanding significant adaptations of each …

Diseño e implementación de un sistema recomendador de eventos de interés para personas de la tercera edad mediante geolocalización

CE Vicuña Lojano - 2018 - dspace.ups.edu.ec
En la actualidad, la tendencia mundial está inclinada a la disminución de la natalidad y el
aumento de la esperanza de vida que ha generado un elevado crecimiento de ancianos [1] …

Biomedical engineering projects to support the elderly

G Avendaño, M Bustamante, A Rienzo… - 2017 CHILEAN …, 2017 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Several studies and projects carried out at the University of Valparaiso are focused on the
condition of the elderly, particularly those who present conditions of vulnerability and …