A spiral wave front beacon for underwater navigation: Basic concept and modeling

BT Hefner, BR Dzikowicz - The Journal of the Acoustical Society of …, 2011 - pubs.aip.org
A spiral wave front source produces an acoustic field that has a phase that is proportional to
the azimuthal angle about the source. The concept of a spiral wave front beacon is …

Acoustic propagation from a spiral wave front source in an ocean environment

BT Hefner, BR Dzikowicz - The Journal of the Acoustical Society of …, 2012 - pubs.aip.org
A spiral wave front source generates a pressure field that has a phase that depends linearly
on the azimuthal angle at which it is measured. This differs from a point source that has a …

A New Underwater Acoustic Navigation Method Based on the Doppler Principle

S Zhang, K Fang, J Tang - TELKOMNIKA Indonesian Journal of …, 2014 - journal.esperg.com
In this paper, a new underwater acoustic navigation method is proposed, which is named
from Doppler Acoustic Omnirange Beacon (DAOB). It is borrowed from the idea of Doppler …