Challenges of the green transition for the recovery of the Western Balkans

J Ignjatović, S Filipović, M Radovanović - Energy, Sustainability and …, 2024 - Springer
Background The aim of this paper is to reconsider the necessity for the green transition and
the key preconditions for the implementation of a circular economy in Western Balkan …

[PDF][PDF] Zelena i cirkularna ekonomija kao simboli brige o zaštiti životne sredine Green and circular economy as symbols of environmental protection

I Aleksić, T Vujović, L Arsić - Godina XXX, Broj 110, Beograd 2023., 2023 -
Ekološka kriza nastala kao rezultat tehnološke revolucije, koja prouzrokuje klimastke
promene, preteranu upotrebu prirodnih resursa, eroziju zemljišta, povećanu količinu otpada …

[PDF][PDF] Conceptual approach to circular economy implementation: case study of company Elixir Zorkamineral fertilizers

N Tošković, A Salkunić, J Ignjatović - First international conference …, 2023 -
The circular economy (CE) is one of the five areas of the Green Agenda for the Western
Balkans, from November 2020. It is considered a priority, but also one of the possible ways …

[PDF][PDF] Značaj cirkularne ekonomije u upravljanju ambalažnim otpadom: slučaj Srbije The importance of circular economy management of packing waste: the case of …

S Knežević, J Ignjatović, A Okanović, M Glišić… - Ecologica, 2022 -
Cirkularna ekonomija (CE) predstavlja smanjenje iskorišćavanja resursa, ponovnu upotrebu
i reciklažu svih materijala tako da se što manji procenat otpada odlaže na deponije. Upravo …

Transformacija poslovnih modela prema održivom razvoju

M Sinjeri - 2024 -
Sažetak Rad" Transformacija poslovnih modela prema održivom razvoju" istražuje ključne
aspekte integracije održivosti u poslovne strategije. Počinje definicijom održivog razvoja i …

[PDF][PDF] Institucionalna podrška razvoju cirkularne ekonomije Institutional support for the development of circular economy

VJ Mitrović, ŽV Dević, IJ Mitrović - Ecologica, 2022 -
Inovacije na polju komunikacija, tehnologije, upotrebe materijala, proizvodnih procesa, i dr.,
u poslednjih nekoliko godina stvorile su prostor za strateški zaokret ka konceptu cirkularne …

[PDF][PDF] The use of green marketing in order to improve business and increase the productivity of corporation Primena zelenog marketinga u cilju unapređenja …

N Kuburović, B Ostojić, M Pećić - Godina XXXI, Broj 113, Beograd …, 2024 -
Summary: With the emergence of globalization, the development of artificial intelligence, the
everincreasing improvement of technologies, there was a necessary need for greater …

[PDF][PDF] Cirkularna ekonomija i tretman mulja iz postrojenja za prečišćavanje otpadnih voda Circular economy and processing of sludge from wastewater treatment …

S Stoimenov, P Jevtić - ECOLOGICA, 2023 -
Mulj iz otpadnih voda koji se smatra otpadom može se koristiti u kontekstu cirkularne
ekonomije kao izvor za proizvodnju energije (toplotne i električne energije) koja bi se inače …

Food Waste on Restaurant–A Circular Economy Approach

J Jevtić, MA Nikolić, DI Udovičić -
Food waste is a serious environmental and economic problem. Some studies suggest that
about 1/3 of the food produced for human consumption is wasted, amounting to about 1.3 …


M Milić4, R Đervida43 - EMPLOYMENT, EDUCATION AND … -
Managing the process of development and launching a new product is one of the key
marketing activities of every company whose goal is survival, growth and the best possible …