A reputation-based trust management system for P2P networks

AA Selcuk, E Uzun, MR Pariente - … International Symposium on …, 2004 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The open and anonymous nature of a P2P network makes it an ideal medium for attackers to
spread malicious content. In this paper we describe a reputation-based trust management …

Adverse selection in electronic markets: Evidence from online stamp auctions

S Dewan, V Hsu - The Journal of Industrial Economics, 2004 - Wiley Online Library
We analyze adverse selection costs in online stamp auctions, based on a comparison of
prices on eBay with those of matched stamps at a specialty stamps auction site in the US …

Brain meets brawn: Why grid and agents need each other

I Foster, NR Jennings, C Kesselman - 2004 - eprints.soton.ac.uk
The Grid and agent communities both develop concepts and mechanisms for open
distributed systems, albeit from different perspectives. The Grid community has historically …

[图书][B] Metrosexual masculinities

M Hall - 2014 - books.google.com
Modern men the world over are becoming increasingly fascinated with their image,
spending more of their disposable income on beautification products and services. This …

Sustainable reputations with rating systems

M Ekmekci - Journal of Economic Theory, 2011 - Elsevier
In a product choice game played between a long lived seller and an infinite sequence of
buyers, we assume that buyers cannot observe past signals. To facilitate the analysis of …

Adversarial web search

C Castillo, BD Davison - Foundations and trends® in …, 2011 - nowpublishers.com
Web search engines have become indispensable tools for finding content. As the popularity
of the Web has increased, the efforts to exploit the Web for commercial, social, or political …

Reputation methods for routing security for mobile ad hoc networks

PW Yau, CJ Mitchell - SympoTIC'03. Joint 1st Workshop on …, 2003 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Mobile ad hoc networks have inherently very different properties to conventional networks.
These new characteristics present major security vulnerabilities; in particular, one side effect …

[HTML][HTML] Social reputation: A mechanism for flexible self-regulation of multiagent systems

C Hahn, B Fley, M Florian, D Spresny… - Journal of Artificial …, 2007 - jasss.org
In this paper, we use multiagent technology for social simulation of sociological micro-macro
issues in the domain of electronic marketplaces. We argue that allowing self-interested …

[PDF][PDF] 物联网环境下的信任机制研究

刘文懋, 殷丽华, 方滨兴, 张宏莉 - 计算机学报, 2012 - cjc.ict.ac.cn
摘要物联网环境下的信任机制是一个亟待研究的重要课题, 文中提出物联网环境下层次化的信任
架构, 满足了不同主体的信任需求, 隔离了机构信誉和阅读器信任. 使用基于证据理论的方法推导 …

Distributed reputation system for tracking applications in sensor networks

T Roosta, M Meingast, S Sastry - 2006 3rd Annual International …, 2006 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Ad-hoc sensor networks are becoming more common, yet security of these networks is still
an issue, node misbehavior due to malicious attacks can impair the overall functioning of the …