F Hajibabaie, F Aali, N Abedpoor - 2023 - academia.edu
Cytokine storms, oxidative stress, and hyperglycemia can enhance the risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D). Moreover, T2D may change the functional and structural heart. However …
XY Wang, XY Wang, R Chen, Y Pan, Y Xue - 2024 - preprints.org
In recent years, the decline of birth rate in China has made the enhancement of willingness to have additional children an urgent social issue. Utilizing data from the 2021 China …
İ ÖZDEMİR, M ŞENTÜRK, TN KARABIYIK - 2019 - books.google.com
Dünya popülasyonunun büyük bir kısmını etkisi altına alan metabolik bir hastalık olan diabetesmellitus, hastalığın erken ve geç dönemlerinde birçok doku ve organda hasara yol …
Alchemia nie przestaje fascynować kolejne pokolenia badaczy. Przez lata, parafrazując słowa Frazera, traktowana była jako „bękarcia” siostra nauki, której odmawiano większego …