Reading device with hierarchal navigation

G Anderson, J Witt, B Foss, JM Van Thong - US Patent 8,233,671, 2012 - Google Patents
In some embodiments, disclosed is reading device that comprises a camera, at least one
processor, and a user interface. The camera scans at least a portion of a document having …

Method of building persistent polyhierarchical classifications based on polyhierarchies of classification criteria

P Babikov, O Gontcharov, M Babikova - US Patent App. 10/927,811, 2005 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A method for providing a polyhierarchical classification includes identifying
properties of objects useful for distin guishing objects under classification. A plurality of …

System and method for publishing, distributing, and reading electronic interactive books

MB Parsons, KM Parsons - US Patent 7,631,013, 2009 - Google Patents
Related US Application Data(57) ABSTRACT (60) Provisional application No. 60/669,166,
filed on Apr. 6, 2005, provisional application No. 60/669,167, filed A book or other digital …

Automated file name generation

V Panferov, A Isaev - US Patent App. 13/712,962, 2014 - Google Patents
(73) Assignee: ABBYY Software Ltd., Nicosia (CY) Described herein are methods for
determining a type and semi-unique features of electronic files. The methods gener (21) …

Ranking search results using author extraction

Y Shnitko, D Meyerzon, H Li, Y Hu - US Patent App. 11/972,613, 2009 - Google Patents
Abstract Architecture that extracts author information from general documents and uses the
author information for search results ranking. The architecture performs automatic author …

Virtual Library File System

P Drallos - US Patent App. 12/040,955, 2008 - Google Patents
US20080216009A1 - Virtual Library File System - Google Patents US20080216009A1 - Virtual
Library File System - Google Patents Virtual Library File System Download PDF Info Publication …

Method and system for migrating documents

EF Bahr - US Patent 7,882,110, 2011 - Google Patents
(21) Appl. No.: 12/113,147 A method for exporting native source documents (NSDs)(22)
Filed: Apr. 30, 2008 from a document repository. The method includes identifying a first NSD …

Automated File Name Generation

A Isaev, V Panferov - US Patent App. 13/662,044, 2013 - Google Patents
Assignee: ABBYY Software Ltd., Nicosia (CY) Described herein are methods for determining
a type and (21) Appl. No.: 13/662,044 unique features of a document. The methods …

Linking to relevant content from an ereader

RB Rose - US Patent 8,850,301, 2014 - Google Patents
BACKGROUND Typically, a human manually programs hyperlinks in con ventional web
pages to cross-reference related Subject matter accessible on various networks including …

Model-based methods of document logical structure recognition in OCR systems

D Deryagin, K Anisimovich - US Patent 8,861,856, 2014 - Google Patents
The invention relates to methods for determining a logical structure of a document. The
system stores a collection of models, each of which describes one or more possible logical …