DG Rowley - The American Historical Review, 1999 - academic.oup.com
[T] he Russian people, in accordance with their metaphysical nature and vocation in the world, are a people of the End. Apocalypse has always played a great part both among the …
In this retrieval study David Van Brugge addresses how the current understanding of a homiletical use of imagination for expository preaching might be strengthened. The current …
Tematsko je knjiga dvoje: sistematična zgodovina pojmov kultura in civilizacija (od njunih prvih omemb do 20. stoletja) in podrobna predstavitev ZDA kot tiste države, kjer kultura ni …
In “Some Thoughts Concerning the Present Revival,” Jonathan Edwards (AD 1703-1758) painted a vibrant picture of the delights of spiritual sight: The soul... has been as it were …
This dissertation presents the difference between the formation of European nation states and the USA as the difference between modernism and postmodernism. The latter is not …
This literature review seeks to examine the conception of theocracy in the United States of America by comparing the historical theocratic government of 17 th century Massachusetts …
During the past twenty years, there has been a major shift among America's radical right; increased popularity, radicalism, nationalism, anti-Semitism, and terrorism have marked this …
Les puritains interdisaient généralement de s' exprimer dans un style imagé et exigeaient que la Bible soit interprétée littéralement. Bunyan, écrivain puritain lui aussi, était en …