This paper studies the impact, on no-arbitrage conditions, of stopping the price process at an arbitrary random time. As price processes, we consider the class of quasi-left-continuous …
C Fontana - Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 2018 - Elsevier
We study the strong predictable representation property in filtrations initially enlarged with a random variable L. We prove that the strong predictable representation property can always …
Y Kchia, P Protter - International Journal of Theoretical and Applied …, 2015 - World Scientific
The development of the theory of the expansion of filtrations took place mostly three decades ago, in the 1980s. Researchers developed two types of expansions: Initial …
Given a reference filtration F, we consider the cases where an enlarged filtration G is constructed from F in two different ways: progressively with a random time or initially with a …
This paper focuses on the stability of no-arbitrage, for discrete time market models, under additional uncertainty generated by a random time. At the practical level, this random time …
This paper quantifies the interplay between the no-arbitrage notion of no unbounded profit with bounded risk (NUPBR) and additional progressive information generated by a random …
On a probability space (Ω,A,Q), we consider two filtrations F⊂G and a G stopping time θ such that the G predictable processes coincide with F predictable processes on (0,θ. In this …
C Kardaras, J Ruf - Finance and Stochastics, 2020 - Springer
We analyse the structure of local martingale deflators projected on smaller filtrations. In a general continuous-path setting, we show that the local martingale parts in the multiplicative …
P Imkeller, N Perkowski - Finance and Stochastics, 2015 - Springer
The existence of dominating local martingale measures | Finance and Stochastics Skip to main content SpringerLink Account Menu Find a journal Publish with us Search Cart 1.Home …