This review synthesizes the social presence literature that has been conducted in consumer psychology over the past decade. It provides a framework for understanding the impact of …
To advance understanding of how well different types of brand relationships drive customer brand loyalty and to help companies improve the effectiveness of their relationship-building …
Understanding how consumers experience luxury represents a challenge; despite the rapid growth of luxury experiences over the past decade, luxury research remains focused on a …
Past research shows that luxury products can function to boost self-esteem, express identity, and signal status. We propose that luxury products also have important signaling functions …
This article examines the impact of various individual differences on consumers' propensity to engage in two distinct forms of conspicuous (publicly observable) luxury consumption …
This study contributes to the emerging literature on the negative effects over consumption that social media users may develop as a consequence of being engaged on social media …
Despite the fact that the functional value of luxury brands is usually not significantly higher than those of non-luxury brands, luxury brands can achieve significant price premiums in the …
This research distinguishes between the goal of maintaining status and advancing status and investigates how consumers' political ideology triggers sensitivity to a status …
This research studies the role of hedonic versus utilitarian message appeals in luxury goods communication, investigating how using one or the other type of message appeal affects …