The feet in human--computer interaction: A survey of foot-based interaction

E Velloso, D Schmidt, J Alexander… - ACM Computing …, 2015 -
Foot-operated computer interfaces have been studied since the inception of human--
computer interaction. Thanks to the miniaturisation and decreasing cost of sensing …

iFAD gestures: understanding users' gesture input performance with index-finger augmentation devices

RD Vatavu - Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human …, 2023 -
We examine gestures performed with a class of input devices with distinctive quality
properties in the wearables landscape, which we call “index-Finger Augmentation …

Magicalhands: Mid-air hand gestures for animating in vr

R Arora, RH Kazi, DM Kaufman, W Li… - Proceedings of the 32nd …, 2019 -
We explore the use of hand gestures for authoring animations in virtual reality (VR). We first
perform a gesture elicitation study to understand user preferences for a spatiotemporal, bare …

Affordance-Based and User-Defined Gestures for Spatial Tangible Interaction

W Gong, S Santosa, T Grossman, M Glueck… - Proceedings of the …, 2023 -
Although mid-air hand gestures have been widely adopted by VR/AR products (eg, Quest 2
and HoloLens), some drawbacks remain due to their lack of tangibility and tactile feedback …

Scenario-based exploration of integrating radar sensing into everyday objects for free-hand television control

AI Siean, C Pamparău, RD Vatavu - Proceedings of the 2022 ACM …, 2022 -
We address gesture input for TV control, for which we examine mid-air free-hand
interactions that can be detected via radar sensing. We adopt a scenario-based design …

User-defined gestures with physical props in virtual reality

M Moran-Ledesma, O Schneider… - Proceedings of the ACM on …, 2021 -
When interacting with virtual reality (VR) applications like CAD and open-world games,
people may want to use gestures as a means of leveraging their knowledge from the …

Design implications for a user study on a tangible tabletop

D Anastasiou, V Maquil, E Ras, M Fal - Proceedings of the The 15th …, 2016 -
This paper presents some implications about designing a collaborative problem solving task
on a tangible user interface (TUI) for gesture analysis. We present our initial work within the …

Conception d'une représentation graphique des gestes numériques pour le cockpit tactile fondée sur les dimensions participant à la conscience mutuelle entre les …

V Becquet - 2019 -
L'activité de pilotage implique une étroite collaboration entre les pilotes. En effet, même si
ceux-ci partagent un espace co-localisé, leur besoin en matière de conscience mutuelle …


김현정 - 디지털디자인학연구, 2014 -
최근 제스처를 인식하기 위한 기술이 일정 수준 이상 발전함에 따라 제스처 인식 기술 자체에서
확장하여 '어떠한 제스처를 사용할 것인가'에 관심을 두고 직관적이고 용이한 제스처를 …

Conception et évaluation de nouvelles techniques d'interaction dans le contexte de la télévision interactive

DB Vo - 2013 -
La télévision n'a cessé de se populariser et d'évoluer en proposant de nouveaux services.
Ces services de plus en plus interactifs rendent les téléspectateurs plus engagés dans …