Fluctuations, large deviations and rigidity in hyperuniform systems: a brief survey

S Ghosh, JL Lebowitz - Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 2017 - Springer
We present a brief survey of fluctuations and large deviations of particle systems with
subextensive growth of the variance. These are called hyperuniform (or …

Rigidity of determinantal point processes with the Airy, the Bessel and the gamma kernel

AI Bufetov - Bulletin of Mathematical Sciences, 2016 - Springer
A point process is said to be rigid if for any bounded domain in the phase space, the number
of particles in the domain is almost surely determined by the restriction of the configuration to …

Generalized stealthy hyperuniform processes: maximal rigidity and the bounded holes conjecture

S Ghosh, JL Lebowitz - Communications in Mathematical Physics, 2018 - Springer
We study translation invariant stochastic processes on R^ d R d or Z^ d Z d whose diffraction
spectrum or structure function S (k), ie the Fourier transform of the truncated total pair …

Determinantal point processes associated with Hilbert spaces of holomorphic functions

AI Bufetov, Y Qiu - Communications in Mathematical Physics, 2017 - Springer
We study determinantal point processes on CC induced by the reproducing kernels of
generalized Fock spaces as well as those on the unit disc DD induced by the reproducing …

Number rigidity in superhomogeneous random point fields

S Ghosh, J Lebowitz - Journal of Statistical Physics, 2017 - Springer
We give sufficient conditions for the number rigidity of a large class of point processes in
dimension d= 1 d= 1 and 2, based on the decay of correlations. Number rigidity implies that …

Vanishing self-diffusivity in Ginibre interacting Brownian motions in two dimensions

H Osada - Probability Theory and Related Fields, 2024 - Springer
We prove that the tagged particles of infinitely many Brownian particles in R 2 interacting via
a logarithmic (two-dimensional Coulomb) potential with inverse temperature β= 2 are sub …

Palm theory, random measures and Stein couplings

LHY Chen, A Röllin, A Xia - The Annals of Applied Probability, 2021 - projecteuclid.org
We establish a general Berry–Esseen type bound which gives optimal bounds in many
situations under suitable moment assumptions. By combining the general bound with Palm …

Rigidity hierarchy in random point fields: random polynomials and determinantal processes

S Ghosh, M Krishnapur - Communications in Mathematical Physics, 2021 - Springer
In certain point processes, the configuration of points outside a bounded domain
determines, with probability 1, certain statistical features of the points within the domain. This …

Palm measures and rigidity phenomena in point processes

S Ghosh - 2016 - projecteuclid.org
We study the mutual regularity properties of Palm measures of point processes, and
establish that a key determining factor for these properties is the rigidity-tolerance behaviour …

Wasserstein geometry and Ricci curvature bounds for Poisson spaces

LD Schiavo, R Herry, K Suzuki - arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.00398, 2023 - arxiv.org
Let $\varUpsilon $ be the configuration space over a complete and separable metric base
space, endowed with the Poisson measure $\pi $. We study the geometry of $\varUpsilon …